The most important thing that anyone can do to keep from getting sick is to wash his hands, because frequent hand washing is one of the best ways of stopping the spread of diseases.
If your hands are visibly dirty, they should be washed immediately with soap and water.
Failure to wash hands can lead to the spread of the common cold and flu. Which are caused by viruses that can live on surfaces for hours.
Proper hand washing steps include:
*Wet your hands by using very warm, running water and soap (an antibacterial soap is best).
*Scrub both sides of the hands for about 20 or 30 seconds.
*Pay close attention to under the fingernails and around the hair follicles at the bottom of each finger and on the back of the hands.
*Rinse well with very warm, running water.
*Dry hands with a disposable paper towel.
Washing hands effectively will remove large numbers of transient organisms but drying them thoroughly afterwards will continue to remove more.
The best way to dry hands is by the use of disposable paper towels or hand dryers.
Hands should be washed:
*After using the toilet
*After changing diapers, (wash the hands of the diapered child too)
*After helping a child at the toilet
*Whenever hands come in contact with body fluids, including vomit, saliva and runny noses
*Before putting in or taking out contact lenses
*Prior to treating a cut or an open wound
*Before preparing or eating food
*After touching raw meat, poultry, fish or egg
*After meals and snacks
*When in the presence of someone who is sick
By using unclean hands to touch your eyes, nose or mouth you are sending an open invitation for germs and bacteria to invade your body and cause your body become ill.
Correct Way Washing Hand
Food safety can be defined as the “the avoidance of food borne pathogens, chemical toxicants and physical hazards, but also includes issues of nutrition, food quality and education.” The focus is on “microbial, chemical or physical hazards from substances than can cause adverse consequences.”
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