* Don't buy produce that's bruised or damaged.
* Do not buy or use canned goods that are swollen, dented or otherwise damaged.
* When possible, buy seasonal local produce or grow your own.

* Keep fruits and vegetables separate from meats and fish.
* Do not buy frozen foods that have thawed.
* Transport food in a cool environment – an air conditioned car, insulated cooler or ice packed bags.
* Refrigerate fruits and vegetables at 40 degrees F or below. Danger zone for most foods is the temperature range between 40 140 degree F.
* Food stored in the freezer needs to be wrapped in freezer bags or freezer paper.
* Wash hands thoroughly, in hot, soapy water before handling any food.

* Wash fruits and vegetables under running water before eating them -- even if you peel them. However, peeling will reduce the amount of pesticides in nonorganic fruits and vegetables but it will not entirely eliminate them.
* Dry fruits and vegetables with a clean cloth or paper towel.
* Do not allow food to sit in the sun. Keep hot foods hot an cold foods cold.
* Wash your hands after preparing fresh produce.
* Cut away any bruised or damaged parts of fruits or vegetables.
* Throw out any rotten produce.
* Do not eat moldy food. Can save hard cheese and from fruits and vegetables by cutting the mold out. Remove the large area around the mold.
* Wash cutting boards, dishes, utensils and counter tops with soap and hot water after preparing raw meat, poultry and seafood, and before preparing produce that'll be eaten raw.
Tips for Food Safety