The home should be kept clean by periodic cleaning and by setting rules of conduct for members of the household such as discouraging litter and encouraging use of ash trays (if discouraging smoking is unsuccessful). The home must be reasonably hygienic.
Cleaning and sanitation should became a moral responsibility of every good homemaker. It took on a routinization endemic to modern times.
The surfaces should be kept dust free, preferably by vacuum cleaning, and surfaces that contact foods should be easily cleaned material such as plastics and stainless steel.
All tableware and utensils should be washed and cleaned as soon as possible and should not be left unclean for long periods otherwise the bacteria will grow and may become airborne to contaminate other food.
Table ware and utensils should be washed in hot water and detergent and rinsed, then immersed in hot water (that has been heated to a minimum of 170 F) for at least for 30 minutes.
Water, food, or grease spills can cause falls Inadequately cleaned surfaces can contaminate food, causing food poisoning or infections of the gastrointestinal tract.
Keep the refrigerator and freezer clean and free fork odors. Keep a clean house and enforce the habits that keep it clean and members of the household will be prompted to help keep it clean.
A healthy house benefits from sufficient fresh air entering, worth enough ventilation to ensure indoor air pollutants are regularly removed. Good ventilation ensures a house is not too humid, which in turn helps keep it free from excessive mould and bacterial growth.
The homes should be kept free form rodents and pests, such as roaches and flies, by strict a preventive program and by continuing check for indications of the presence of these undesirable elements. When they are present, concerted efforts to eliminate them should not be spared.
Ceramic tiles is not porous so that the owner can clean effectively with warm water. A good neutral cleaner for tile is 1 gallon warm water, 2 tablespoon of ammonia and 1 tablespoon of borax.
Bathrooms require regular leaning to reduce bacteria and minimize odor. Many bathroom cleaners are powerful chemicals and glove should be worn and eyes protected.
Sanitation at home
Food safety can be defined as the “the avoidance of food borne pathogens, chemical toxicants and physical hazards, but also includes issues of nutrition, food quality and education.” The focus is on “microbial, chemical or physical hazards from substances than can cause adverse consequences.”
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