Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sanitation of Floor at Food Preparation Areas

Sanitation of Floor at Food Preparation Areas
The floor plan of an area where people are fed need not be special except that it can be easily cleaned and kept clean. The surrounding area should be pleasant; the floor should carpeted and of a type that is easy to clean thoroughly.

It should be mandatory to use only portable (drinkable) water in food service establishments. If non portable water is used for cooling refrigeration units with the portable water system and the pipes should be painted with some identifying color.

In the food preparation and utensil cleaning areas, the floors should be constructed of acid resistant unglazed tile or of epoxy or polyester resin on a suitable base material. Also, the floor should be sloped to drains to facilitate cleaning and prevent the accumulation of water, drains should be separate from toilet sewer liners to a point outside of the building and should be so constructed as to prevent the possibility of back up onto the building. The walls of food preparation and utensil cleaning areas should be constructed of smooth glazed tile at distances equivalent to splash height, since this type of construction makes for easier and more effectively cleaning. The junction of the walls and floor should be coved or curved, which also facilitates cleaning, there being no angled corners where food materials can lodged.
Sanitation of Floor at Food Preparation Areas

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