Saturday, September 05, 2009

Problems of Chemical Residues

Problems of Chemical Residues
A variety of chemical have been in use in modern agrohorticultural and animal husbandry practices and these chemicals may remain in the plant crops or animal foods at concentrations that may be hazardous to the consumer.

Thus excess use of inorganic nitrogenous fertilizers in the soil may cause a rise in the level of nitrite or nitrate in the vegetative plant portions especially in the leafy vegetables.

Weedicides, insecticides, fungicides, rodenticides and sprouting inhibitors of diverse chemical nature are used in farm practices and pesticides and fumigants in storage warehouses.

Residues of these compounds or their metabolites may survive in the foods.

Anabolic steroids or their analogues and antibiotics have been used for fattening meat animals and poultry and milk releasing hormones have been used in dairy animals.

Such treatments may leave residues in the flesh or milk. A close monitoring of the residue levels has now become necessary in view of the liberal usage of these treatments.

In many countries, tolerances have been laid down for these chemicals in specific foods.
Problems of Chemical Residues

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