Giardia is an anaerobic, flagellated protozoan parasite with belonging to the family Hexamitidae, is currently the most common cause of human intestinal parasitosis in the world.
The parasite has been found in treated and untreated drinking water, surface waters, cistern water and sewage worldwide. Shellfish grown in contaminated waters can also transmit Giardia oocysts.
When the flagellate gains entry into the human or animal body via fecal-oral transmission, it is in the cyst form.
The organism excysts, releasing trophozoites that firmly attach to the mucosal epithelium inside the intestine.
The parasite causes an infection of the small intestine known as giardiasis, which result in diarrhea, cramps and weight loss.
Although the symptoms normally last one to two weeks, giardiasis can persist for many weeks or even months if it is not diagnosed and treated promptly.
Using water from approved sources and practicing good sanitation will decrease risk of giardiasis.
Prevention is the mainstay to decrease morbidity form spread of transmissible diseases by food handlers. Food preparation and service regulations are issued by state health departments and may vary from state to state.
Giardia lamblia
Food safety can be defined as the “the avoidance of food borne pathogens, chemical toxicants and physical hazards, but also includes issues of nutrition, food quality and education.” The focus is on “microbial, chemical or physical hazards from substances than can cause adverse consequences.”
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