Chemical hazards are those that result from the mismanagement of chemicals.
Although chemicals have provided modern society with innumerable benefits, they can have a deleterious impact on human health when mismanaged.
Report of illness caused by the presence of hazardous chemicals in food are much rarer than illness associated with pathogenic microorganisms.
However, misuses of chemicals agriculturally or during food processing can cause illness. Harmful chemicals can also be present in food naturally or by environmental contamination.
Substances found naturally in food can cause illness when eaten by people who are allergic or sensitive to them.
Chemicals hazards fall into categories:
*Naturally occurring poisons, chemicals, or deleterious substances are those that are natural constituents of foods.
*Added poison chemicals or deleterious substances are those which are intentionally added to foods.
Indeed, chemical hazards affecting public health risks typically originate from a variety of sources.
Type or source of chemicals in food that can cause illness including:
*Proteins or substances that can cause allergy reactions
*Waste water system and incinerator emissions.
*Disposal of bedding and other waste materials from experimental procedures.
*Chemical preservatives used incorrectly
*Waste from cleaning and sanitizing chemicals
*Chemicals not approved for use in food
*Chemicals leaching form packaging into food
*Environmental pollutant from industrial waste, and other urban air pollution such as automobile exhaust.
*Agrochemicals such as pesticide residues. Pesticide are natural or synthetic chemicals that have been developed and manufactured for the purpose of killing pests. Other including herbicide and fertilizer applications.
*Toxins of microbial origin
*Naturally occurring plant toxins such as glycoalkaloids
*Consumer products including foods, drinks, cosmetics and medicines.
Flammability, corrosiveness, reactivity, and explosivity are hazardous properties of chemicals that are usually well understood. Toxicity is the least predictability hazardous property of chemicals.
Chemical Hazards
Food safety can be defined as the “the avoidance of food borne pathogens, chemical toxicants and physical hazards, but also includes issues of nutrition, food quality and education.” The focus is on “microbial, chemical or physical hazards from substances than can cause adverse consequences.”
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