At its most basic, packaging preserves and protects food and makes it portable.
Efficient packaging is necessary for every kind of food, whether it is fresh or processed. It is essential link between the food producer and the consumer, and unless performed correctly the standing of the product suffers and and customer goodwill is lost.
Food is package for the following reasons:
*For hygienic storage and transport
*To protect it from damage during storage and transport
*To give information to customers
*To attract customers
*For customer convenient
Food packaging also offer tamper-evident or temper resistant features, allow for product preparation and provide dispensing features and many convenient such as single serving potions.
As food products were distributed, they required identification and labeling. Also the design, shape and from of the package gained in importance.
The food industry uses four basic packaging materials: metal, plant matter –paper and wood, glass and plastic.
A number of basic packaging materials are often combined to give a suitable package. However the earliest food packaging was made from objects found in nature, such as hollowed-out gourds and empty seashells.
Proper food packaging of food is essential to make sure the food remains wholesome during its journey from processor to consumer; packaging also increase shelf life, an important consideration for food producers and marketers.
Packaging of Food
Food safety can be defined as the “the avoidance of food borne pathogens, chemical toxicants and physical hazards, but also includes issues of nutrition, food quality and education.” The focus is on “microbial, chemical or physical hazards from substances than can cause adverse consequences.”
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