These large, bright red roundworms, 25-150 mm long and 2 mm in diameters can be seen without magnificent in the flesh of fish.
Human infections results when freshwater fish harboring encysted larvae are eaten raw. The Japanese suffer from high rates of nematode infection resulting from high rates of consumption of raw fish. It occurs less frequently in the United States, where raw fish consumption is moderate.
Several groups have reported cases of Eustrongylides infection presenting as appendicitis. This nematode is a parasite of fish eating birds, and people have been infected by eating raw fresh water fish.
The majority of cases of Eustrongylides worm have been reported form homemade sushi dishes, rather than from restaurant preparation.
This happen because microwaves do not always cook evenly, fish cooked by this method are often underdone and can harbor live parasites.
Eustrongylides spp.