Businesses in the food service industry have a responsibility to keep food and preparation areas clean and safe. Areas and equipment used for the storage, preparation and service of food shall be kept clean.
Food areas cleanliness is the best way to keep employees and patrons safe. The equipment shall be cleaned and sanitized after each use and stored in a clean and sanitary manner.
The obvious such as floors, walls, ceilings, windows fixtures and restrooms are always clean, but just remember that even though something looks clean can be contaminated.
The floor plan of an area where people are fed need not be special except that it can be easily cleaned and kept clean. The surrounding area should be pleasant; the floor should carpeted and of a type that is easy to clean thoroughly.
The cleaning compound use must be approved by the manufacturer for use in association with food and should only be used at its recommended dilution.
Attention must be paid during any cleaning process to the hidden and awkward areas of any equipment that may harbor dirt and bacteria.
The most important requirement in sanitary operations is the availability of adequate potable water, which aside from being used in food preparation and processing operations is necessary in cleaning operations.
It should be mandatory to use only portable (drinkable) water in food service establishments. If non portable water is used for cooling refrigeration units with the portable water system and the pipes should be painted with some identifying color.
All surfaces and equipment coming into contact with food must be thoroughly cleaned. Surfaces should be cleaned down with solution of detergent sanitizer prior to use.
Processing or cleaning activities that generate steam can cause condensation to build up on ceilings, walls or equipment. It can be potentially contaminating uncovered food or food contact surfaces with pathogenic microorganism.
Having adequate air circulation in areas when steam is generated will help prevent condensation forming. This can be via natural or mechanical systems.
Always keep rubbish in a covered bin and empty it regularly so as to minimize offensive smells and attracting flies. Dealing with kitchen waste is an important part of keeping food preparation areas clean.
Cleaning and safety at food preparation areas
Food safety can be defined as the “the avoidance of food borne pathogens, chemical toxicants and physical hazards, but also includes issues of nutrition, food quality and education.” The focus is on “microbial, chemical or physical hazards from substances than can cause adverse consequences.”
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