Wednesday, January 22, 2014

What are the benefits of Hazard analysis and critical control points?

The principle characteristics of the HACCP system is that it is applied to each process of food production individually.

Hazard analysis and critical control points or HACCP system has been recognize throughout the developed world as a major advance in safety assurance systems.

The system is inherently more efficient that the traditional end point quality control scheme. The quality of all the products is assured.

Implementation of HACCP is to prevent the hazards at the earliest possible stage of food processing. It enables food processors to identify, prioritize and minimize various likely hazards.

It enables consideration all the factors that contribute to most outbreaks and of risk assessment techniques. 

The records of HACCP provide reasonable certainty that a company took responsibility actions when product was manufactured, for example that safety parameters were met.

It assures that approximate corrective actions have been taken to reformulate the products or redesign the process when critical limits were exceeded.

HACCP implementation would benefit both the regulators and the processor. The HACCP approach to food safety is not only more efficient but cost effective.

Another benefit is, once HACCP is set up, they involve participation by the whole production personnel so that quality assurance involves everybody rather than just a restricted number of quality control staff.
What are the benefits of Hazard analysis and critical control points?

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