Gluten intolerance can be divided into two general categories: celiac and non-celiac. Celiac disease is the most recognized form of gluten intolerance and is known to affect about 1% of the population of the United States.
Some people with gluten intolerance get symptoms that feel like the stomach flu. They may have a stomachache, gas and diarrhea.
People with celiac disease have these symptoms, but they might also lose weight and develop anemia over time. Anemia is a blood illness that causes tiredness and pale skin.
There is also evidence that gluten intolerance can cause many symptoms outside of the digestive system. Inability to breakdown protein fully in intestines can result in effects in other areas of the body including the nervous system and the immune system and hormonal regulatory systems.
Technically, though, gluten intolerance is simply a nonautoimmune and nonallergic condition that created uncomfortable symptoms when the person consumes gluten.
What are the symptoms of gluten intolerance?
Food safety can be defined as the “the avoidance of food borne pathogens, chemical toxicants and physical hazards, but also includes issues of nutrition, food quality and education.” The focus is on “microbial, chemical or physical hazards from substances than can cause adverse consequences.”
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